who I am? I am a father of two children and techonology lover and home gardening fancier.
What is my profession (Spartan :)) After graduating from Ege University Department of in computer engineering, I started working in a company that developed simulation software. We developed simulation software mainly using C ++ programming language and various design patterns.I had documented according to Mil-std-498.
I developed our individual software validation tools using the C ++ programming language, the ZeroMQ library, Qt Framework, and the Poco C++ library. Briefly summarized, over the decade I used the C ++ programming language in software development. I had documented according to individual processes that is complies with CMMI And Do-178b and afterwards Ecss standarts are used in other projects. Of course during this time I also had the opportunity to use the Java programming language and Spring at various stages of the project.
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